Housing Authorities are permitted to establish local preferences to give priority to applicants that meet the preference criteria. HUD specifically authorizes and places restrictions on certain types of local preferences. Any local preferences established must be consistent with the annual plan and the consolidated plan, and must be based on local housing needs and priorities that can be documented by generally accepted data sources [24 CFR 960.206(a)].

HACPFC will use the following local preferences:

Elderly or Disabled

Elderly family. A family whose head, cohead, spouse, or sole member is a  person who is at least 62 years of age; two or more persons who are at least 62  years of age living together; or one or more persons who are at least 62 years of  age living with one or more live-in aides.

Disabled family. A family whose head, cohead, spouse, or sole member is a person with disabilities; two or more persons with disabilities living together; or one or more persons with disabilities living with one or more live-in aides.

Working Families

In order to bring higher income families into Public Housing, HACPFC has established a preference for working families, where the head, spouse, cohead, or sole member is employed at least 20 hours per week for at least ninety (90) days.  HUD requires that families where the head and spouse, or sole member is a person age 62 or older, or is a person with disabilities, will also be given the benefit of the working preference [24 CFR 960.206(b)(2)].

Veteran Status

HACPFC also employs an admission preference for applicants who are veterans of United States military service who have been discharged or released, other than dishonorably, or are the unmarried spouse of a service person killed while in the active service military of the United States.

Foster Youth

HACPFC provides a preference to young adults who are transitioning out of foster care or have already left foster care.